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Negligence Attorneys

After an accident, most people call their insurance company. This prompts an investigation by the insurance company of all parties involved. The investigation by the insurance companies includes their in-house team of attorneys. The insurance company attorneys are not always serving your best interests. After all, they want to protect themselves from financial exposure. Shouldn’t you have a team of attorneys that immediately protects your interests as well?

Negligence Attorneys in Long Island & Nassau County

Your Own Legal Team

At Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn we will even the fight and let the insurance companies know you have your own legal team representing your interests. Once we are retained, we will immediately do the following:

  • Contact all insurance companies via letter, fax, and phone call and inform them that we are your attorneys. This will stop the insurance companies from contacting you. All communications with the insurance companies will go through your team at Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn
  • We will assist you in the preparation and will file all documents and claim forms on your behalf. Many of these forms must be properly filled out and timely served. Failure to do this correctly could forfeit benefits you are entitled to such as lost wages, medical coverage, etc
  • We will do a thorough investigation. All attorneys at SCK are former prosecutors. As former prosecutors, we were trained in various investigatory tactics. This training and experience allows us to do a proper investigation which includes identifying and preserving relevant evidence. Doing this as close in time to the accident is of utmost importance as evidence is lost and memories fade
  • We will monitor and help manage your medical care. This includes maintaining a history of all health care providers you have seen, obtaining all medical records and eventually submitting your medical history to the insurance company to ensure a fair compensation for your pain and suffering
  • If the insurance company is not reasonable in offering a timely settlement, we will file a lawsuit
Paramedic Team in Long Island & Nassau County

Cases We Handle

  • Car Accidents
  • Neck & Back Injuries
  • Construction Injuries
  • Slip and Fall
  • Medical Malpractice
    • Misdiagnosis
    • Emergency room mistakes
    • Drug Allergies
    • Incorrect Procedures
    • Failure to diagnose
    • Delayed diagnosis
    • Medication errors
    • Surgical errors
  • Wrongful Death
  • Birth Injuries
  • Nursing Home Negligence

Negligence/Duty of Care

Why call the personal injury lawyers at SCK right away?
If a lawsuit is necessary to compensate you properly, the attorneys at Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn have the experience to take the fight to the insurance company in the courtroom. Many times insurance companies believe inexperienced attorneys who handle personal injury cases will go away if forced to proceed to court. At Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn we are all experienced trial attorneys and thrive in the courtroom. Partner Anthony A. Ciaccio spent over 6-years as a trial attorney for a national insurance company and learned all the tricks the insurance companies employ to avoid their responsibility. In fact, when an insurance company contemplates a settlement offer one of the most important points of evaluation is the reputation of the trial lawyer in the courthouse; not the attorney that has the most TV commercials, or the attorney that drives the best car, but the attorneys that know how to try a case. All the attorneys at Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn have tried numerous cases to verdict. The reason the insurance companies fear true trial attorneys, like all the attorneys at Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn, is because the insurance company can’t control what the jury awards. It is counterintuitive, but the insurance companies settle many claims they have with true trial attorneys that they would likely go to trial against with attorneys that do not try cases.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation!