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Representing Rideshare Passengers Injured in Accidents

As a passenger using a rideshare app, such as Uber or Lyft, you’re putting your safety and well-being into the hands of the rideshare driver. When it comes to ridesharing and liability for accidents, things can get a little messy. You should be able to trust that if there is an accident and you are injured during your ride, you will get the appropriate compensation to cover any necessary medical expenses. However, these rideshare apps are not always on your side, and their insurance carriers may try to deny your claim, leaving you with the entire bill. Luckily, the team at Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn has ridesharing accident lawyers to represent you in these types of accidents on Long Island. We can help you hold the responsible parties accountable for the injuries caused and get you the compensation you deserve. Please reach out to us today for a legal consultation.

Car accident lawyer on Long Island & Nassau County

There Are Several Types of Accident Situations—here are just two to consider

When you are using a rideshare service, there are several ways in which you can become involved in an accident and suffer injuries. One way is if the rideshare driver causes an accident, either with another vehicle or a stationary object. For example, if they hit a tree or traffic barricade. Another way is if a driver on the road collides with the rideshare vehicle. The person or persons who causes the accident will be responsible for the injuries you suffer, which means the process of obtaining compensation will differ depending on the accident’s circumstances. Here are two different scenarios:

  • The Rideshare Driver is At Fault: Ridesharing apps are required by law to carry one million dollars in insurance for personal injury and property damage. However, these companies will do everything they can to not pay and will first attempt to make the driver’s personal insurance pay for any injuries. They will then cover the remaining expenses after the driver’s policy is exhausted. The problem is, most personal insurance policies have a business use exception that won’t cover injuries if the policyholder is a for-profit driver. This can create a problem, as each company will attempt to make the other pay, forcing you to go back and forth with both while trying to get your compensation. With a legal team on your side, you can file a suit against the rideshare company and make yourself heard. Our team will work to ensure the company is held accountable for the injuries caused while using their service.
  • Another Driver is At Fault: If another driver hits the rideshare vehicle, that driver is responsible for any damage or injuries caused, meaning their insurance company will have to foot the bill. However, if the person drives away and is never identified, or they either don’t have insurance or are underinsured, you may not get full compensation. In this case, you can go back to the rideshare company and make a claim with the uninsured or underinsured coverage they carry. Also, if the rideshare driver has any portion of blame for the accident, you may be able to be compensated for your injuries by both the rideshare driver, and the other driver. Having a legal team will streamline this process, so you don’t have to spend hours on the phone attempting to track down the compensation you deserve.

What to Do Following the Accident

While rideshare apps are convenient, they can also be risky for passengers. So, what do you do if you’re riding in an Uber or Lyft and the driver gets in an accident? Our personal injury lawyers can help you. These types of accidents are rarely the fault of the passenger; thus, you’re entitled to compensation for bills related to any injuries you sustain. Make sure you do all of the following if you’re involved in an accident while using a rideshare app:

  • Call the Police: Make sure you call the police, so there is a formal report of the accident. The police will also help to facilitate the exchange of insurance and contact information.
  • Report the Accident: Some drivers may be hesitant to report the accident with the parent company of the rideshare app. They will be concerned about repercussions and possible lost wages if they’re temporarily suspended. This is not your concern. If you’re injured, you need to report the accident to get compensation. You can often do this through the app.
  • Document as Much as You Can: The more information you gather, the more proof you’ll have to support your claim. Take photos of the scene and damage, as well as the street, to document the road conditions.
  • Contact a Lawyer: As soon as you’re injured and receive the care you need, it’s essential to call a lawyer to get the claim process started. The faster you file your claim, the quicker you will be able to receive compensation to pay off your medical bills or get the funds you need to live while you recover from your injuries.

What Can I Receive Compensation For?

When you’re injured in a car accident, your future is altered. Not only do you have to pay for any necessary medical care, but you also may be unable to work as you recover. You may even be injured so severely that you don’t recoup all your former abilities, affecting your life and work capabilities forever. You are entitled to receive a monetary settlement to compensate for all these things. Our team will be able to identify what you are eligible to receive, which could include compensation for:

  • Pain and Suffering
  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Loss of Future Income
  • Future Medical Expenses

Contact Us for a Consultation

If you’re involved in a rideshare accident, our team of lawyers on Long Island can help you get the compensation you deserve to cover injury expenses. It’s crucial that you contact us as soon as possible, as the companies may try to get out of paying their fair part. We have extensive knowledge on this subject, as well as a dedicated team of Lyft and Uber accident lawyers, who are here to help you. We can review your case during a consultation and help you build and support your claim. Reach out to us as soon as you can.

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