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Expert Legal Counsel for Your Case

A DWI or drug-related charge can dramatically alter the rest of your life. When you need a DWI or drug crime lawyer in Garden City, NY, you can trust the experienced attorneys at Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn. Our team has represented numerous clients for a wide variety of charges. With over 50 years of combined experience practicing law as both the prosecution and defense, we have the knowledge and resources to create a sound strategy for your case. We understand that this is a stressful time for you and your family. Our team maintains an open line of communication with you on the case’s progress to help give you peace of mind. Contact our team today to schedule your free consultation.

Close-up of a gavel and metal handcuffs on a wooden table for DWI lawyers and drug lawyers in Huntington, NY

Trust Our DWI Lawyers to Represent You

The state of New York is cracking down on DWI-related cases, often imposing strict penalties on first-time offenders. When you choose Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn to represent you, you give yourself the best chance to reduce or eliminate the charges. Our team has decades of experience negotiating lesser sentences outside of the courtroom and representing clients before a judge. Our broad expertise has made us one of the area’s foremost experts in the field, having been recognized as the top DWI lawyers by the National Advocacy for DUI Defense. Trust us to represent you if you’ve been charged with the following:

  • Driving While Ability Impaired by Alcohol
  • Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs
  • Driving While Intoxicated
  • Aggravated DWI
  • Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated With a Child
  • DWI Hit and Run
  • And More

Comprehensive DWI Defense Strategies

An experienced and professional DWI lawyer in Garden City, NY will create a defense strategy specific to your case. Numerous steps are involved in a DWI sentencing, from the initial traffic stop to the court case. Each step must be thoroughly examined to ensure it is done legally. So, hiring an experienced and professional attorney as soon as possible is critical to provide them more time to create a defense strategy and guide you through the entire process. The skilled DWI lawyers at Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn will work tirelessly to maintain your innocence. Some of the most common defense strategies include the following:

  • Lack of Evidence
  • Illegal Stop
  • Administrative Error
  • Processing Oversight
  • Inadmissible Breathalyzer or Field Sobriety Test
  • Driver Was Not Operating the Vehicle

When Should I Hire a Drug Crime Lawyer?

While some states soften their stance on drugs, New York maintains harsh penalties for those found to be in possession, selling, or manufacturing illegal substances. The best way to challenge any drug-related crime in court is with the assistance of an experienced law firm by your side. Our drug crime lawyers have worked as both the prosecution and defense and have unique insight into the process. We’ll take the time to understand the charges against you, listen to your experience, and create a defense to help you get the best outcome possible

Will I Go to Jail for a Drug-Related Crime in Garden City, NY?

Felony and misdemeanor drug crime charges typically include the possibility of jail time. However, many different factors are used to determine your sentence, including the type of drug crime, your past criminal record, the amount of the drug in your possession, and any firearm recovered. If you want to avoid jail time, hiring a skilled and experienced team of legal professionals to advocate for you is crucial. Our team of drug crime lawyers have negotiated plea deals and won court battles to help our clients maintain their freedom.

Award-Winning DWI and Drug Crime Lawyers in Garden City, NY

No one should suffer for the rest of their life for one mistake. At Schalk, Ciaccio & Kahn, we offer zealous defense for your DWI or drug crime case. Our lawyers have a thorough understanding of the complex and nuanced laws regarding drug-related crimes and DWIs in New York. Throughout our decades of experience, we have represented numerous clients and helped them maintain their freedom by reducing their sentences or having the charges dropped entirely. If you’ve been charged with a DWI or drug crime, get started immediately for your best chance to win your case. Schedule your case consultation today.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Free Consultation!